Honors Theatre Arts
Audition Project
For the first section of this project, you will be choosing between a monologue, song, or technical portfolio to prepare and present in class. NOTE: Whatever option you choose, this should be something NEW that you are working on.
You may choose from one of the options below:
Dec 12 is the deadline to submit your request for your monologue/song (Canvas assignment).
Jan 8 is off book/memorization date for monologue/song.
Monologue Requirements:
Audition Song Requirements
Technical Portfolio Presentation Requirements
You may choose from one of the options below:
- Classical Monologue (Shakespearean)
- Modern Monologue (Comedic or dramatic)
- Audition Song
- Technical Portfolio Presentation
Dec 12 is the deadline to submit your request for your monologue/song (Canvas assignment).
Jan 8 is off book/memorization date for monologue/song.
Monologue Requirements:
- Approved by Mr. Faw (Shakespeare monologues must be chosen from the approved ESU list linked below, do not worry about time length Shakespeare Monologues).
- Modern Monologues should be 1-2 minutes long.
- Modern monologues should be from a play published within the past 125 years.
- Monologue selection should be one that you have NOT previously worked on.
- While you will not need to purchase the play, you will need information about the plot and characters to understand the monologue.
Audition Song Requirements
- From a published musical
- Approved by Mr. Faw
- 16-32 Bars of Music
- You will need sheet music to practice with (you are responsible for finding your own sheet music)
- You will need an instrumental track to perform with (for this project, we do not have access to an audition accompanist)
- Your song selection should be one that you have NOT previously worked on.
- Similar to the monologue, you will need information about the plot and characters to understand the song (we will workshop the song similarly to workshopping monologues)
Technical Portfolio Presentation Requirements
- 4-6 Minute Presentation
- PowerPoint, Google Slides or other digital presentation aid
- You will select a college or university theatre program to research. Your presentation will be 'directed' towards gaining entrance into that program.
Shakespeare Monologue Info
If you are choosing a Shakespearean Monologue, it should be one that you have not worked on previously, or currently, for another project or class.
Once you have chosen your monologue, you can sign up for it. Please check the sign up list to make sure that you're not signing up for a monologue that has already been claimed (scroll to the bottom of this page to see that sign up list). You will need to know play name, character name, act, scene, and line numbers, and monologue number.
Make sure that the monologue and sonnet are not in red on the list (selections in red are not allowed to advance to the next levels of competition).
***Shakespearean monologues should be chosen from the list below.***
Click here for the approved monologue list
***To compete at the branch competition (or higher), you must also prepare and present a Shakespearean sonnet from the ESU approved list.
Click here for the approved sonnet list.
The winners of the in class competition will receive an invitation to compete in the school competition in the spring, and the winner of the school competition will continue on to compete in the branch competition. The winner of the branch competition will receive an invitation to compete at the National Competition.
Click here for information on the Shakespeare Competition Levels (School, Branch, and National.
Click here to view videos of past National Shakespeare Competitions (playlists of individual years include the national top 10 finishers from that year)
*To access the full plays, open http://www.folgerdigitaltexts.org/
These monologues will be graded on the basics of monologue work (projection, diction, physicalization, characterization).
A few notes from the ESU website:
Students should speak naturally. We urge them to use their own voice rather than affect a British accent. (no accents will be allowed for the class project)
Students should not wear costumes or use props of any kinds; including chairs, hair clips, jewelry, hats or any other added costume pieces (basic daily clothing, nothing that gets in the way of acting).
You should identify the selection before you begin.
To access the ESU’s website:
Once you have chosen your monologue, you can sign up for it. Please check the sign up list to make sure that you're not signing up for a monologue that has already been claimed (scroll to the bottom of this page to see that sign up list). You will need to know play name, character name, act, scene, and line numbers, and monologue number.
Make sure that the monologue and sonnet are not in red on the list (selections in red are not allowed to advance to the next levels of competition).
***Shakespearean monologues should be chosen from the list below.***
Click here for the approved monologue list
***To compete at the branch competition (or higher), you must also prepare and present a Shakespearean sonnet from the ESU approved list.
Click here for the approved sonnet list.
The winners of the in class competition will receive an invitation to compete in the school competition in the spring, and the winner of the school competition will continue on to compete in the branch competition. The winner of the branch competition will receive an invitation to compete at the National Competition.
Click here for information on the Shakespeare Competition Levels (School, Branch, and National.
Click here to view videos of past National Shakespeare Competitions (playlists of individual years include the national top 10 finishers from that year)
*To access the full plays, open http://www.folgerdigitaltexts.org/
These monologues will be graded on the basics of monologue work (projection, diction, physicalization, characterization).
A few notes from the ESU website:
Students should speak naturally. We urge them to use their own voice rather than affect a British accent. (no accents will be allowed for the class project)
Students should not wear costumes or use props of any kinds; including chairs, hair clips, jewelry, hats or any other added costume pieces (basic daily clothing, nothing that gets in the way of acting).
You should identify the selection before you begin.
To access the ESU’s website: