Lighting Notes and Information
Lighting Design Project
Project Requirements:
- Your group will design a lighting presentation around a piece of music (around 1 minute is a good time length to aim for).
- As a backdrop, you will have either the cyc or the white orchestra shell (both show color very well). If you would like to add a small prop or piece(s) of scenery in front of that, you are welcome to (but not required).
- There should be no live actors on stage, and no manipulation of set pieces on stage during the presentation.
- Use at least 5 source four instruments from the first electric (focused and shuttered if needed)
- Use the color LED instruments from the first electric
- You should primarily design your presentation as a show (pressing 'go' to advance cues). You can use a submaster for an effect if you like, but let your focus be in programming your show.
Optional to include:
- Gobo or Lighting Gel with a Source Four
- Instruments from the Catwalk
Group 1: Lighting Group
- In Class Focus/Design: Thursday Sept 19
- In Class Presentation: Monday Sept 23
Group 2: Costuming Group
- In Class Focus/Design: Wednesday Sept 25
- In Class Presentation: Monday, Oct 30
Group 3: Scenic Group
- In Class Focus/Design: Friday, Oct 4
- In Class Presentation: Tuesday, Oct 8
Group 4: Props Group
- In Class Focus/Design: Thursday, Oct 10
- In Class Presentation: Tuesday, Oct 15
- Bobblehead Fred Videos
- Lighting Design Online Tools are awesome digital tools for seeing what different lighting effects will look like on stage.
- Hedgehog Lighting Training Videos: Our lighting console at Pinecrest is a Hedgehog
Groups and Pallettes Recording and Playing Back Simple Effects
Lighting Design Videos
Lighting Design, Group 1
Lighting Design, Group 2
Lighting Design, Group 3
Lighting Design, Group 4
Project Requirements:
- Your group will design a lighting presentation around a piece of music (1 minute or less is a good time length to aim for).
- Your stage will already be set with a small white backdrop to pick up the light and color. If you would like to add a small prop or piece(s) of scenery in front of that, you are welcome to (but not required).
- There should be no live actors on stage, nor any manipulation of the set pieces on stage during the presentation.
- Use at least 4 source four instruments from the catwalk (from these, you should have at least one instrument with a lighting gel, and at least one instrument with a gobo)
- Use the color LED instruments from the first electric
- Use at least two other instruments (either Ellipsoidals or PAR's) from the first electric
- You should primarily design your presentation as a show (pressing 'go' to advance cues). You can use a submaster for an effect if you like, but let your focus be in programming your show.