Student Directing Assignments
All directing assignments and due dates will be posted through Canvas (this is just a list of the assignments that you will have coming up).
- Directing Assignment 6:
Set Design: (Think platforms and levels)
Lighting Design: The stage will be divided into 6 lighting areas (3 wide, 2 deep...they will be marked off). We have a blue stage wash. We can use the followspot. We can also set one or two 'special' lights from the catwalk or the first electric.
Costume Design:
Props Design:
- Directing Assignment 5:
* Off Book Dates (for grading purposes, both shows in a class should set off book dates on the same dates)
* Assignment Dates (once a week...again, for grading purposes, both shows in a class should have assignments due the same dates)
* Assignments: What are you going to assign your students for the assignments?
* In class performances (for the other cast)
1st performance: (week of Nov 4-6)
2nd performance: (week of Nov 16-18)
- Directing Assignment 4:
However, for this assignment, don't look up new team building or improvisation activities (Tuesdays and Fridays). Find some new, fun ways to work on:
Mondays: Breath Control, Projection
Wednesdays: Vocal Articulation
Thursdays: Physical Fitness (usually Yoga, but we can be flexible...pun intended)
Often, these days we just go through the same activities quickly just to get through them, and the students feel that and assume that what we're doing isn't important. Let's change that approach.
- Directing Assignment 3:
This assignment is for you to do whatever is needed to get your script ready, and post that here
Directing Assignment:
Working together with your fellow director, come up with a list of your top 8 plays that you would like to direct, and think would be appropriate for your class level. Click here for suggestions and ideas for finding plays, as well as for helpful websites and companies that license plays. Don't just write down the name of the play, you need to include the following.
1: Play name and playwright name
2: Company (and website) that licenses the play
3: Cast size, and the approximate run time for the show (and if it's too long/short, how you plan to adjust)
4: Short summary of the show (a few sentences is fine, what is it about, what's the story?
5. A few sentences on why you want to direct the show...why will it work well for this level, why will the audience like it, etc?
NOTE: Since your fellow director are doing this assignment together, please make sure that each director submits a copy of this to Canvas.
- Directing Assignment:
Here are some good starting points, but feel free to look beyond these as well.
Directing assignment:
Create a list of warm up activities that you already know, that you would be comfortable teaching. These can be activities that you have done in previous theatre classes, or that another director taught you, or that you learned somewhere else (scout camp, bible school, band camp, etc). You don't have to give a full description of each activity, just the name will work...or if it is a tongue twister, just the first line.
Organize your activities in the following categories:
- Vocal Articulation Drills (tongue twisters)
- Vocal Projection Exercises
- Physical Warm Up Activities
- Team/Ensemble Building Activities
- Improvisation Activities
- Anything Else (Activities that might not fit into the above groups)