Fairy Tale Pantomime Project
Your group will be given a classic fairy tale, and it is your job to create a performance that re-tells the story to your audience. Guidelines for your performance...
- Present your scene entirely in pantomime (no speaking).
- Your production should have at least 6 separate scenes.
- Every actor should be fully involved in each scene (as a character, tree, part of a house, etc)
- Create a soundtrack that will act as underscoring for your performance...each scene should have at least one song that is unique to that scene, that plays through most, if not all, of the scene (meaning you will have at least 6 different songs). The student directors will be your DJ for the performance. Since this project requires music, you will need to bring your electronics on to stage with you.
- This is pantomime, so no speaking, no props, no set pieces. Use your body, your gestures, and your facial expressions to communicate to your audience. Tell your story well!
Group 1: Little Red Riding Hood (Norah)
Marianne Anderson, Livi Krogulski, Isabella Plunkett, Aidan Garrison, Emily Fuller, Samara Ezzell, Delilah Bell
Group 2: Cinderella (Norah)
Logan Brown, Ana Huffman, Alyssa Cagle, Mia Holden, Nylece Harris, Christiona Bridges
Group 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Tab)
Logan Christopher, Sumiah Canfield, Blythe Harris, Peyton Priest, Bella Haywood, Leah Nelson
Group 4: Jack and the Beanstalk (Tab)
Shelby Eubanks, Cydnee Roper, Luke McNeill, Gina Phillips, Addison Augustine, Rose Apolinar
Group 5: Hansel and Gretel (Allison)
Grace Mataxis, Da'Mauri McNeill, Rory Perez-Santalla, Hope Scanlan, Camila Jimenez, Olivia McGuffey, Xavier Strickland
Group 6: Three Little Pigs (Allison)
Marie Ofusu, Bianca Radder, Lily Kirk, Hayden Bailey, Evalyn Hively, Charlotte Calhoun
Marianne Anderson, Livi Krogulski, Isabella Plunkett, Aidan Garrison, Emily Fuller, Samara Ezzell, Delilah Bell
Group 2: Cinderella (Norah)
Logan Brown, Ana Huffman, Alyssa Cagle, Mia Holden, Nylece Harris, Christiona Bridges
Group 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Tab)
Logan Christopher, Sumiah Canfield, Blythe Harris, Peyton Priest, Bella Haywood, Leah Nelson
Group 4: Jack and the Beanstalk (Tab)
Shelby Eubanks, Cydnee Roper, Luke McNeill, Gina Phillips, Addison Augustine, Rose Apolinar
Group 5: Hansel and Gretel (Allison)
Grace Mataxis, Da'Mauri McNeill, Rory Perez-Santalla, Hope Scanlan, Camila Jimenez, Olivia McGuffey, Xavier Strickland
Group 6: Three Little Pigs (Allison)
Marie Ofusu, Bianca Radder, Lily Kirk, Hayden Bailey, Evalyn Hively, Charlotte Calhoun
Fairy Tale Critique Assignment: Will be assigned after the final presentations are posted online.
Assignment: Type a critique of the fairy tale performance project. This assignment should be at least 2 paragraphs.
- Paragraph 1: Go back and watch your own fairy tale performance video, and critique it. Look at the positive aspects...what moments worked very well, what did the audience respond well to, etc? Also, look for areas to improve upon...if you had more rehearsal time, what aspects would you continue to work on?
- Paragraph 2: Watch the other fairy tale scenes as well...which groups did you think told their story particularly well? What moments did you really like?