GoFundMe Group Fundraising
Inspiration and Ideas
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsnap5Oh8S8 - Watch from the beginning to 1:47.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tFFQkeO1JDI - Watch from 15:47, to the end.
GoFundMe Join Team
Email [email protected] to request to join the team, and you will receive an invitation directly from GoFundMe.
How to set up my page
Once you accept your invitation and join the team, you can customize your page.
How to ask?
Find ways to have the 'perks' help you further advertise your Fundraiser.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsnap5Oh8S8 - Watch from the beginning to 1:47.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tFFQkeO1JDI - Watch from 15:47, to the end.
GoFundMe Join Team
Email [email protected] to request to join the team, and you will receive an invitation directly from GoFundMe.
How to set up my page
Once you accept your invitation and join the team, you can customize your page.
- Add pictures! You can find Pinecrest Players pictures on our website under the 'Gallery' link.
- Add your story, tell your friends/family why this is important to you.
- Set your own goal, don't hesitate to set the goal high. People want to help, give them a reason to.
- We have our own sponsorship levels and perks, but add your own 'perks' at certain levels. For example, $25 level might get a 'shout out' from you on social media. $100 level will get something homemade from your kitchen. Be creative!
- If you have friends who are also theatre parents, get them involved! Have them set up a team member page!
How to ask?
- Email directly and ask friends, family, co-workers (etc). Tag these people in posts on social media.
- Tell your story! Tell people why this is important to you and your family.
- Set a timeline for your fundraiser (three weeks) and sell out your social media for that time.
- Set small benchmarks for yourself (for example, one donation per day), and use social media to post to ask for help meeting your daily goal. People love to help others meet goals.
- Do not accept silence for an answer. (Accept 'No' for an answer, that's fine...but if you don't hear back for a few days, it's okay to send a reminder).
Find ways to have the 'perks' help you further advertise your Fundraiser.
- If you use social media, your Thank You 'Shout Outs' can help to keep your fundraiser high on other people's feed.
- Social media loves pictures and videos! Record yourself, your family, alumni (etc) to keep your fundraiser active!
- Get creative with your perks...do you make great cookies? Share pictures of you baking cookies for a donor to help you advertise further.