Collared Dress Shirt (button down or polo shirt acceptable)
Full Length Slacks, Khakis (no denim jeans)
Dress shoes or nice sneakers
Optional: Tie, Jacket/Blazer, Suit
Skirts and Dress Top
Full Length Slacks, Khakis (No denim jeans) and Dress Top
Dress Shoes or Nice Sneakers
Optional: Suit, high heels, jacket/sweater
Everyone: Be cautious of large or dangling jewelry if it distracts you, or gets in the way of seeing your face. If you have rings or other things that you mess with when you’re nervous, take them off. Hair should be out of your face, out of your eyes.
Collared Dress Shirt (button down or polo shirt acceptable)
Full Length Slacks, Khakis (no denim jeans)
Dress shoes or nice sneakers
Optional: Tie, Jacket/Blazer, Suit
Skirts and Dress Top
Full Length Slacks, Khakis (No denim jeans) and Dress Top
Dress Shoes or Nice Sneakers
Optional: Suit, high heels, jacket/sweater
Everyone: Be cautious of large or dangling jewelry if it distracts you, or gets in the way of seeing your face. If you have rings or other things that you mess with when you’re nervous, take them off. Hair should be out of your face, out of your eyes.