Mamma Mia!
Audition Information and Materials
Workshop and Audition Dates
- Monday, Oct 28: Audition Workshops (after school, 4-5:30pm)
- Wednesday Nov 13: Vocal Auditions, 4-6:30 pm
- Thursday Nov 14: Acting Auditions, 4-6pm
- Friday, Nov 15: Dance Auditions, 4-6pm
- Monday, Nov 18: Callbacks, 4-6:30pm
- Feb 28-March 2: Mamma Mia Performances
Audition Requirements
Make sure to complete ALL of the steps below for auditions.
Step 1: Cast Remind Group
Sign up for the Mamma Mia Cast Remind Group, message @PHSMMCast to phone number 81010.
Step 2: Click here to fill out the Mamma Mia Audition Application
Please fill this out no later than Monday, Nov 11.
You will need to log in with your school based email account.
Step 3: Sign and return Audition Contract
Contract must be signed by student and parent/guardian by Wednesday, Nov 13.
Make sure to complete ALL of the steps below for auditions.
Step 1: Cast Remind Group
Sign up for the Mamma Mia Cast Remind Group, message @PHSMMCast to phone number 81010.
Step 2: Click here to fill out the Mamma Mia Audition Application
Please fill this out no later than Monday, Nov 11.
You will need to log in with your school based email account.
Step 3: Sign and return Audition Contract
Contract must be signed by student and parent/guardian by Wednesday, Nov 13.
Audition 'Paths'
There are three audition 'paths' this year. What you audition with will be dependent on what sort of role you are interested in.
- Vocalist Path: Vocalists (Pit Singers) will be singers for the show, but will not be on stage. If you are auditioning to be a pit singer, you will only need to do the vocal audition.
- Ensemble Path: If you want to be on stage as a singer/dancer, but do not want a larger leading role, you will audition with at least dance auditions (everyone who wants to be on stage must do a dance audition). We recommend you do a vocal audition as well, but that is not mandatory.
- Lead Path: If you are interested in a larger leading role , then you will audition with vocals, dance, and acting.
Vocal Audition Materials
Mrs. Kirsten Foyles, vocal director
Email: [email protected]
You will choose one song to audition with. Sheet music is linked. Each song includes an instrumental track, which will be used for the audition, as well as a vocal track, for reference.
Email: [email protected]
You will choose one song to audition with. Sheet music is linked. Each song includes an instrumental track, which will be used for the audition, as well as a vocal track, for reference.
Dance Audition Materials
Video 1
Dance Audition Combo Walk Through |
Video 2
Dance Audition Combo with music and counts |
Video 3
Dance Audition Combo with music and without counts |
Dance Audition Song
Acting Audition Materials
Directors: Jamie Barnes and Adam Faw
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Choose which scene and which character you want to audition with. As these are all acting scenes (no monologues), you will need to find a scene partner to prepare with, and to audition with. Memorize your lines; you should not have the script with you. While you only need to memorize one character from a scene, be familiar with all of them, as you may be asked to read another scene later at callbacks.
Feel free to audition with any character, regardless of your gender identity or the character's gender.
If you are doing an acting scene audition, you should only choose one scene/character as your primary scene.
Character Breakdown
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Choose which scene and which character you want to audition with. As these are all acting scenes (no monologues), you will need to find a scene partner to prepare with, and to audition with. Memorize your lines; you should not have the script with you. While you only need to memorize one character from a scene, be familiar with all of them, as you may be asked to read another scene later at callbacks.
Feel free to audition with any character, regardless of your gender identity or the character's gender.
If you are doing an acting scene audition, you should only choose one scene/character as your primary scene.
Character Breakdown
Frequently Asked Questions about Auditions
Q: How do auditions/casting work?
A: There are three separate sections of the audition...Singing, Dance, and Acting. Each section will be scored, these scores help to make decisions about callbacks and casting.
Q: Do I have to audition with all three areas (singing/dance/acting)?
A: There are three 'audition paths' this year. What you audition with will be dependent on what sort of role you are interested in.
Q: Do I have to find my own material to audition?
A: No. At the audition workshops, you will be provided with audition songs (sheet music and tracks), you will be taught the audition dance, and you will be provided with the acting scenes.
Q: Do I have to attend audition workshop to audition?
A: Attendance at audition workshops isn't required, but you will be expected to know what is taught at the workshops, as well as the information that is covered. If you aren't able to attend the workshop, make sure someone is there taking good notes for you.
Q: What if I've never been on stage before, or am not a good singer/dancer/actor?
A: Don't let that stop you from coming out. There are many roles within the show, for many levels of talent/experience. Come to the workshops and give it a shot!
Q: What does the rehearsal schedule look like?
A: We will rehearse the last two school weeks of December (weeks of Dec 9 and Dec 16)
Daily after school rehearsals will begin when we return from winter break on Jan 2.
Most daily rehearsals will go from 4-6pm, Friday rehearsals will be from 4-7pm
The final two weeks (beginning Feb 17), rehearsals will run later than 6pm.
Q: Do I have to be in a Performing Arts Class to audition?
A: No, anyone can audition as long as they are a student enrolled at Pinecrest.
Note: If you are a senior and graduating early, you are not eligible to audition.
Q: Do only juniors/seniors get leading roles?
A: No, someone's grade is not taken into account during casting. If an underclassmen is best for the role, they will be cast.
Q: Does everyone who auditions get cast?
A: Not always. While I wish we could cast everyone who auditions, we cannot have a cast of 118 actors for our musicals. Some years everyone who auditions does get cast. However, some years, we have a larger turnout for auditions, and some people do not get cast.
Q: Does it cost anything to do the musical?
A: There is no cost to perform in or work backstage for the musical. There are fundraising and sponsorship opportunities to help offset production costs, and we ask that families help towards this if they are able. But these are not required to participate.
A: There are three separate sections of the audition...Singing, Dance, and Acting. Each section will be scored, these scores help to make decisions about callbacks and casting.
Q: Do I have to audition with all three areas (singing/dance/acting)?
A: There are three 'audition paths' this year. What you audition with will be dependent on what sort of role you are interested in.
- Vocalist Path: Vocalists (Pit Singers) will be singers for the show, but will not be on stage. If you are auditioning to be a pit singer, you will only need to do the vocal audition.
- Ensemble Path: If you want to be on stage as a singer/dancer, but do not want a larger leading role, you will audition with at least dance auditions (everyone who wants to be on stage must do a dance audition). We recommend you do a vocal audition as well, but that is not mandatory.
- Lead Path: If you are interested in a larger leading role , then you will audition with vocals, dance, and acting.
Q: Do I have to find my own material to audition?
A: No. At the audition workshops, you will be provided with audition songs (sheet music and tracks), you will be taught the audition dance, and you will be provided with the acting scenes.
Q: Do I have to attend audition workshop to audition?
A: Attendance at audition workshops isn't required, but you will be expected to know what is taught at the workshops, as well as the information that is covered. If you aren't able to attend the workshop, make sure someone is there taking good notes for you.
Q: What if I've never been on stage before, or am not a good singer/dancer/actor?
A: Don't let that stop you from coming out. There are many roles within the show, for many levels of talent/experience. Come to the workshops and give it a shot!
Q: What does the rehearsal schedule look like?
A: We will rehearse the last two school weeks of December (weeks of Dec 9 and Dec 16)
Daily after school rehearsals will begin when we return from winter break on Jan 2.
Most daily rehearsals will go from 4-6pm, Friday rehearsals will be from 4-7pm
The final two weeks (beginning Feb 17), rehearsals will run later than 6pm.
Q: Do I have to be in a Performing Arts Class to audition?
A: No, anyone can audition as long as they are a student enrolled at Pinecrest.
Note: If you are a senior and graduating early, you are not eligible to audition.
Q: Do only juniors/seniors get leading roles?
A: No, someone's grade is not taken into account during casting. If an underclassmen is best for the role, they will be cast.
Q: Does everyone who auditions get cast?
A: Not always. While I wish we could cast everyone who auditions, we cannot have a cast of 118 actors for our musicals. Some years everyone who auditions does get cast. However, some years, we have a larger turnout for auditions, and some people do not get cast.
Q: Does it cost anything to do the musical?
A: There is no cost to perform in or work backstage for the musical. There are fundraising and sponsorship opportunities to help offset production costs, and we ask that families help towards this if they are able. But these are not required to participate.