Shakespearean Acting Scenes
Shakespeare Scenes
Male/Female Scenes
Othello, Act 5, Scene 2 Othello: Matt Desdemona: Emily S 23: Who's there? Othello? 83: It is too late. Taming of the Shrew, Act 2, Scene 1 Katherine: Maddy Petruchio: Haley 182: Good morrow Kate 271: I will marry you Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 Hamlet: Emily R Ophelia: Lindsay D 90: Good my lord 161: See what I see All's Well that Ends Well, Act 4, Sc 2 Bertram: Diana: 1: They told me 76: That would unjustly win All's Well that Ends Well, Act 1, Sc 1 Paroles: Helena: 86: Save you fair queen 145: Return us thanks Macbeth, Act 2, Sc 2 Macbeth: Lady Macbeth: 1: That which hath made 71: I would thou couldst Much Ado About Nothing, Act 4, Sc 1 Benedick: Beatrice: 255: Lady Beatrice 336: And so, farewell Twelfth Night, Act 3, Sc 1 Clown: James Viola: Livie 1: Save thee, friend 68: Taint their wit Othello, Act 5, Sc 2 Othello: Emelia: 105: What's the matter 176: Murder, murder Desdemona's lines delivered from offstage A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 2, Sc 1 Helena: Ava Demetrius: Colton 188: I love thee not 244: I love so well |
Female/Female Scenes
Twelfth Night, Act 1, Sc 5 Olivia: Ragan Viola: Caroline 220: Now sir 288: Farewell, fair cruelty As You Like It, Act 3, Sc 2 Celia: Rosalind: 163: Didst thou hear 251: Comes he not here Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Sc 5 Juliet: Maya Nurse: Jade 21: Now, good sweet nurse 78: Honest nurse, farewell |
Male/Male Scenes
Othello, Act 3, Sc 3 Othello: Malachi Iago: Lydia 93: My Noble Lord 170: Yet strongly loves Othello, Act 4, Sc 2 Iago: Roderigo: 172: How now, Roderigo 245: And you shall be satisfied Three Person Scenes
Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 1, Sc 1 Hermia: Lysander: Helena: 128: How Now, my Love 251: To have his sight thither and back again Taming of the Shrew, Act 3, Sc 1 Bianca: Lucentio: Hortensio: 1: Fiddler, Forbear 92; Hortensio will be quit with thee... (note, small role of messenger at end) Julius Caesar, Act 1, Sc 2 Casca: Vivan Brutus: Zach Cassius: Katherine 215: You pull'd me by the cloack 324: Or worse days endure The Tempest, Act 2, Sc 2 Caliban: Stephano: Trinculo: 57: What's the matter? 188: Lead the Way |
Scene Partners:
In Class Schedule
Monday, Jan 27
Wednesday, Jan 29
Friday, Jan 31
Tuesday, Feb 4
Thursday, Feb 6
(some time in class to present Shakespeare Monologues this day)
Monday, Feb 10
Wednesday, Feb 12
(no stage this day, NC Symphony Educational Concert)
Preparation day for Proposal Presentation
Friday, Feb 14
Proposal Presentation in class
Tuesday, Feb 18
Thursday, Feb 20
Wednesday, Feb 26
Friday, Feb 28
Shakespeare Scenes 2, 5, 8 present
No Livie M
Tuesday, March 3
Shakespeare Scenes 3, 6, 9 present
Thursday, March 5
Shakespeare Scenes 1, 4, 7 present
No Vivian
Scene Self Critique:
Character Analysis:
Set Layout, Props/Costume List:
Click here to download the scene rubric for the project.
- Romeo and Juliet: Jade Baker (Nurse), Maya Burris (Juliet): Present Thursday, March 5
- Hamlet: Lindsay Douglass (Ophelia), Emily Rose (Hamlet): Present Friday, Feb 28
- Twelfth Night: Livie McCue (Viola), James McNamara (Clown): Present Tuesday, March 3
- Twelfth Night: Caroline Mays (Viola), Ragan Jones (Olivia): Present Thursday, March 5
- Taming of the Shrew: Haley McLaurin (Petruchio), Maddy Kelly (Katherine): Present Friday, Feb 28
- Othello: Malachi McCaskill (Othello), Lydia Riedesel (Iago): Present Tuesday, March 3
- Othello: Matt Butler (Othello), Emily Stout (Desdemona): Present Thursday, March 5
- A Midsummer Night's Dream: Colton Liberatore (Demetrius), Ava Wellener (Helena): Present Friday, Feb 28
- Julius Caesar: Vivian Camplin (Casca), Katherine de la Rocha (Cassius), Zach Reaves (Brutus): Present Tuesday, March 3
In Class Schedule
Monday, Jan 27
Wednesday, Jan 29
Friday, Jan 31
Tuesday, Feb 4
Thursday, Feb 6
(some time in class to present Shakespeare Monologues this day)
Monday, Feb 10
Wednesday, Feb 12
(no stage this day, NC Symphony Educational Concert)
Preparation day for Proposal Presentation
Friday, Feb 14
Proposal Presentation in class
Tuesday, Feb 18
Thursday, Feb 20
Wednesday, Feb 26
Friday, Feb 28
Shakespeare Scenes 2, 5, 8 present
No Livie M
Tuesday, March 3
Shakespeare Scenes 3, 6, 9 present
Thursday, March 5
Shakespeare Scenes 1, 4, 7 present
No Vivian
Scene Self Critique:
Character Analysis:
Set Layout, Props/Costume List:
Click here to download the scene rubric for the project.